Principle 10: Implementation of Management Activities

Management activities conducted by or for The Organization* for the Management Unit* shall* be selected and implemented consistent with The Organization*’s economic, environmental and social policies and objectives* and in compliance with the Principles and Criteria collectively. (New)

Criterion 10.1 

After harvest or in accordance with the management plan*, The Organization* shall*, by natural or artificial regeneration methods, regenerate vegetation cover in a timely fashion to pre-harvesting or more natural conditions* (New).

Indicator 10.1.1

Harvested sites are regenerated in a timely manner that:
1. Protects affected environmental values

Verifiers 10.1.1

a. Statistical reports
b. Annual control of natural regenerations
c. Application of management plan prescriptions
d. Application of technical norms
e. Field visits

2. Is suitable to recover overall pre-harvest or natural forest* composition and structure

a. Statistical reports
b. Annual control of natural regenerations
c. Application of management plan prescriptions
d. Application of technical norms
e. Field visits

Indicator 10.1.2

Regeneration activities are implemented in a manner that:
1. For harvest of existing plantations*, regenerate to the vegetation cover that existed prior to the harvest or to more natural conditions* using ecologically well-adapted species

Verifiers 10.1.2

a. Evidence on application of management plan prescriptions
b. Evidence on application of technical norms (Norm no.3)
c. Field visits

2. For harvest of natural forests*, regenerate to pre-harvest* or to more natural conditions*

a. Evidence on application of management plan prescriptions and of technical norms (Norms no. 1 and no. 7)
b. Results of annual control of natural regeneration
c. Field visits

3. For harvest of degraded natural forests*, regenerate to more natural conditions*

a. Evidence on application of management plan prescriptions and of technical norms (Norm no. 5)
b. Field visits
c. Results of annual regeneration control

Criterion 10.2 

The Organization* shall* use species for regeneration that are ecologically well adapted to the site and to the management objectives*. The Organization* shall* use native species* and local genotypes* for regeneration, unless there is clear and convincing justification for using others. (C10.4 C4).

Indicator 10.2.1

Species* chosen for regeneration are ecologically well adapted to the site, are native species* and are of local provenance unless clear and convincing justification is provided for using non-local genotypes or non-native species*.

Verifiers 10.2.1

a. Evidence on application of technical norms (Norms no. 1 and no. 5)
b. Evidence on application of management plan prescriptions
c. Annual control of natural regeneration
d. Provenance certificate for reproduction material
e. Other studies

Indicator 10.2.2

Species chosen for regeneration are consistent with the regeneration objectives and with the management objectives*.

Verifiers 10.2.2

a. Evidence on application of management plan prescriptions (comparison of results of annual control of natural regeneration against the aimed stand composition)

Criterion 10.3

The Organization* shall* only use alien species* when knowledge and/or experience have shown that any invasive impacts can be controlled and effective mitigation measures are in place. (C6.9 and C10.8 V4)

Indicator 10.3.1

Alien species* are used only when direct experience and / or the results of scientific research demonstrate that invasive impacts can be controlled.

Verifiers 10.3.1

a. Evidence on application of technical norms (Norm no. 1)
b. Feasibility study / Technical project

Indicator 10.3.2

Alien species* are used only when effective mitigation measures are in place to control their spread outside the area in which they are established.

Verifiers 10.3.2

a. Evidence on application of technical norms (Norm no. 1)
b. Field visit

Indicator 10.3.3

The spread of invasive species introduced by The Organization* is controlled.

Verifiers 10.3.3

a. Biannual control of forestland, annual control of natural regeneration
b. Field visits

Indicator 10.3.4

Management activities are implemented, preferably in cooperation with separate regulatory bodies where these exist, with an aim to control the invasive impacts of alien species* that were not introduced by The Organization*.

Verifiers 10.3.4

a. Internal Procedures

Criterion 10.4

The Organization* shall* not use genetically modified organisms* in the Management Unit*. (C6.8 V4).

Indicator 10.4.1

Genetically Modified Organisms* (GMOs) are not used.

Verifiers 10.4.1

a. Internal Procedures

Criterion 10.5 

The Organization* shall* use silvicultural practices that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species, sites and management objectives*. (New)

Indicator 10.5.1

Silvicultural practices are implemented that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species, sites and management objectives*.

Verifiers 10.5.1

a. Existence of forest management plan
b. Field visits
c. Interviews

Criterion 10.6

The Organization* shall* avoid, or aim at eliminating, the use of fertilizers. When fertilizers are used, The Organization* shall prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values*. (C10.7 V4)

Indicator 10.6.1

The use of fertilizers is minimized or avoided.

Verifiers 10.6.1

a. Policies and procedures on using fertilizers

Indicator 10.6.2

When fertilizers* are used, their ecological and economic benefits are equal to or higher than those of silvicultural systems that do not require fertilizers*.

Indicator 10.6.3

When fertilizers are used, their types, rates, frequencies and site of application are documented.

Verifiers 10.6.3

a. Study (e.g. Technical supporting report)

Indicator 10.6.4

When fertilizers are used, environmental values are protected, including through implementation of measures to prevent damage.

Verifiers 10.6.4

a. Internal Procedures

Indicator 10.6.5

Damage to environmental values* resulting from fertilizer use is mitigated or repaired.

Verifiers 10.6.5

a. Internal Procedures

Criterion 10.7 

The Organization* shall* use integrated pest management and silviculture* systems which avoid, or aim at eliminating, the use of chemical pesticides*. The Organization* shall* not use any chemical pesticides* prohibited by FSC policy. When pesticides* are used, The Organization* shall* prevent, mitigate, and / or repair damage to environmental values* and human health. (C6. and C10.7 V4)

Indicator 10.7.1

Integrated pest management, including selection of silviculture* systems, is used to avoid, or aim to eliminate the frequency, extent, and amount of chemical pesticide* applications, and result in non-use or overall reductions in applications. Therefore, the Organization* will ensure:

Verifiers 10.7.1

a. Internal Procedures
b. Technical supporting report

1. Recording of all specific circumstances for which pesticide* use is being considered

a. Pest prognosis report
b. Pest detection reports
c. Registry of chemical substances use

2. Objective evidence to demonstrate that when pesticides* are used they are the only effective way to meet management objectives

a. Studies
b. Norms
c. Technical supporting report
d. Pest assessment
e. Reports on pest presence

Indicator 10.7.2

Chemical pesticides* prohibited by FSC’s pesticide Policy are not used or stored in the Management Unit unless FSC has granted derogation.

Verifiers 10.7.2

a. List of prohibited substances
b. Evidence of pesticide use and derogations (if applicable)
c. Procedures manual

Indicator 10.7.3

Records of pesticide* usage are maintained, including trade name, active ingredient, quantity of active ingredient used, period of use, location and area of use, and reason for use.

Verifiers 10.7.3

a. Registry of chemical substances use
b. Evidence of pesticide use

Indicator 10.7.4

The use of pesticides* complies with the ILO document “Safety in the use of chemicals at work” regarding requirements for the transport, storage, handling, application and emergency procedures for clean-up following accidental spillages.

Verifiers 10.7.4

a. Internal Procedures
b. Field visits / Interviews

Indicator 10.7.5

If pesticides* are used, application methods minimize quantities used, while achieving effective results, and provide effective protection* to surrounding landscapes*.

Verifiers 10.7.5

a. Evidence of pesticide use
b. Trainings
c. Internal Procedures

Indicator 10.7.6

Damage to environmental values* and human health from pesticide* use is prevented and mitigated or repaired where damage occurs.

Verifiers 10.7.6

a. Evidence of protectioin equipment use
b. Trainings
c. Internal Procedures
d. Interviews

Indicator 10.7.7

When pesticides* are used:
1. The selected pesticide*, application method, timing and pattern of use offers the least risk to humans and non-target species
2. Objective evidence demonstrates that the pesticide* is the only effective, practical and cost effective way to control the pest

Verifiers 10.7.7

a. Internal Procedures
b. Register of claims
c. Work Accidents register
d. Interviews
e. Technical supporting report

Criterion 10.8

The Organization* shall* minimize, monitor and strictly control the use of biological control agents* in accordance with internationally accepted scientific protocols*. When biological control agents* are used, The Organization* shall* prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values*. (C6.8 V4)

Indicator 10.8.1

Use of biological control agents* is minimized, monitored* and controlled.

Verifiers 10.8.1

a. Internal Procedures
b. Recordings

Indicator 10.8.2

Use of biological control agents* complies with internationally accepted scientific protocols*.

Verifiers 10.8.2

a. Internal Procedures
b. Recordings

Indicator 10.8.3

The use of biological control agents* is recorded including type, quantity period, location, and reason for use.

Verifiers 10.8.3

a. Internal Procedures
b. Recordings

Indicator 10.8.4

Damage to environmental values* caused by the use of biological control agents* is prevented and mitigated or repaired where damage occurs.

Verifiers 10.8.4

a. Internal Procedures
b. Recordings

Criterion 10.9

The Organization* shall* assess risks* and implement activities that reduce potential negative impacts from natural hazards proportionate to scale, intensity, and risk*. (New)

Indicator 10.9.1

Potential negative impacts of natural hazards* on infrastructure*, forest* resources and communities in the Management Unit* are assessed.

Verifiers 10.9.1

a. Forest management plan
b. Field visits

Indicator 10.9.2

Management activities mitigate these impacts.

Verifiers 10.9.2

a. Forest management plan
b. Field visits

Indicator 10.9.3

The risk* for management activities to increase the frequency, distribution or severity of natural hazards* is identified for those hazards* that may be influenced by management.

Verifiers 10.9.3

a. Forest management plan
b. PVRC study

Indicator 10.9.4

Management activities are modified and/or measures are developed and implemented that reduce the identified risks*.

Verifiers 10.9.4

a. Forest management plan
b. Field visits

Criterion 10.10 

The Organization* shall* manage infrastructural development, transport activities and silviculture* so that water resources and soils are protected, and disturbance of and damage to rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems* and landscape values* are prevented, mitigated and/or repaired. (C6.5 V4)

Indicator 10.10.1

Development, maintenance and use of infrastructure*, as well as transport activities, are managed to protect environmental values* identified in Criterion* 6.1.

Verifiers 10.10.1

a. Policies and procedures
b. Feasibility studies / Technical reports
c. Forest management plan
d. Harvesting block file
e. Field visits

Indicator 10.10.2

Silviculture* activities are managed to ensure protection of the environmental values* identified in Criterion* 6.1.

Verifiers 10.10.2

a. Internal procedures
b. Interviews
c. Field visits
d. Forest management plan

Indicator 10.10.3

Disturbance or damages to water courses*, water bodies, soils, rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems* and landscape values* are prevented, mitigated and repaired in a timely manner, and management activities modified to prevent further damage.

Verifiers 10.10.3

a. Internal Procedures
b. Field visits / Interviews
c. Harvesting control documents / Final reception of operations

Criterion 10.11

The Organization* shall* manage activities associated with harvesting and extraction of timber and non-timber forest products* so that environmental values* are conserved, merchantable waste is reduced, and damage to other products and services is avoided. (C5.3 and C6.5 V4)

Indicator 10.11.1

Harvesting and extraction practices for timber and non-timber forest products* are implemented in a manner that conserves environmental values* as identified in Criterion* 6.1.

Verifiers 10.11.1

a. Field visits / Interviews
b. Harvesting control documents / Final reception of operations

Indicator 10.11.2

Harvesting practices optimize the use of forest* products and merchantable materials.

Verifiers 10.11.2

a. Harvesting block file
b. Field visits

Indicator 10.11.3

Sufficient amounts of dead and decaying biomass and forest* structure are retained to conserve environmental values*.

Verifiers 10.11.3

a. Internal Procedures
b. Field visits

Indicator 10.11.4

Harvesting practices avoid damage to standing residual trees and residual woody debris on the ground and other environmental values*.

Verifiers 10.11.4

a. Internal Procedures
b. Field visits
c. Harvesting control documents / Final reception of operations

Criterion 10.12

The Organization* shall* dispose of waste materials in an environmentally appropriate manner. (C6.7 V4)

Indicator 10.12.1

Collection, clean up, transportation and disposal of all wastes are done in an environmentally appropriate way that conserves environmental values* as identified in Criterion* 6.1.

Verifiers 10.12.1

a. Internal Procedures
b. Field visits