Principle 3: Indigenous Peoples’ * Rights

The Organization* shall identify and uphold* indigenous peoples’*legal* and customary rights* of ownership, use and management of land, territories and resources affected by management activities. (P3 V4)

According to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous People (Factsheet ‘Who are indigenous peoples’ October 2007; United Nations Development Group, ‘Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues’ United Nations 2009, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 13 September 2007), in Romania there are no such indigenous people.
The present situation of inhabitants at country level is a product of a long historical evolution which has resulted in cohabitation of the ethnical group of majority, the Romanians (89,5%), together with other ethnical groups. None of these can claim the indigenous population status. Furthermore, all members of all groups, regardless their ethnical affiliation, according to the Constitution and all valid legislation, have equal rights.
Therefore, the entire principle is N/A for the country.