Principle 5: Benefits from the Forest*

The Organization* shall efficiently manage the range of multiple products and services of the Management Unit* to maintain or enhance long term economic viability* and the range of social and environmental benefits.

Criterion 5.1

The Organization* shall identify, produce, or enable the production of, diversified benefits and/or products, based on the range of resources and ecosystem services* existing in the Management Unit* in order to strengthen and diversify the local economy proportionate to the scale* and intensity* of management activities. (C5.2 and 5.4 V4).

Indicator 5.1.1

The range of resources and ecosystem services* that could strengthen and diversify the local economy are identified.

Verifiers 5.1.1

a. Forest management plans
b. Studies
c. Annual evaluation of game populations
d. Management plans (e.g. Game management plan)

Indicator 5.1.2

Consistent with management objectives*, the identified benefits and products are produced and/or made available for others to produce, to strengthen and diversify the local economy.

Verifiers 5.1.2

a. Written evidences on products

Indicator 5.1.3

When the Organization* makes FSC promotional claims regarding the maintenance and/or enhancement of ecosystem services*, Annex E is followed regarding additional requirements.

Criterion 5.2

The Organization* shall normally harvest products and services from the Management Unit* at or below a level which can be permanently sustained. (C5.6 V4)

Indicator 5.2.1

Timber harvesting levels* are based on an analysis of current Best Available Information* on growth and yield; inventory of the forest*; mortality rates; and maintenance of ecosystem functions*.

Verifiers 5.2.1

a. Forest management plan

Indicator 5.2.2

Based on the timber harvesting level* analysis, a maximum allowable annual cut for timber is determined that does not exceed a harvest level that can be permanently sustained including by ensuring that harvest rates do not exceed growth over successive harvests.

Verifiers 5.2.2

a. Forest management plan (allowable cut and harvested volume)
b. Auditors will verify whether harvested volume is less or equal to allowable cut

Indicator 5.2.3

Actual annual harvest levels for timber are recorded. Harvested volume must not exceed current growth for the application period of the management plan. Timber volume from regeneration cuttings which can be extracted from a management unit cannot exceed the maximum allowable volume for such cuttings (according to the provisions of the management plan)for the application period of the management plan.
Timber volume from regeneration cuttings which can be extracted annually from a management unit cannot exceed the annual maximum allowable volume for such cuttings, except for the situations when there is volume not extracted in the previous year(s), when natural disturbances occur due to biotics and abiotics factors.
In this case, if the harvested volume exceeds the annual allowable cut, the difference will be subtracted from the allowable cut of the following year.

Verifiers 5.2.3

a. Evidence on forest management plan application
b. Statistical reports (SILV) provided to The National Statistics Institute

Indicator 5.2.4

For extraction of commercially harvested services and non-timber forest products* under The Organization’s* control a sustainable harvest level is calculated and adhered to. Sustainable harvest levels are based on best available information.

Verifiers 5.2.4

a. Evidences of respecting the maximum allowable cut volume (Evaluations, studies, harvesting permits, transfer agreements)

Criterion 5.3

The Organization* shall demonstrate that the positive and negative externalities* of operations are included in the management plan*. (C5.1 V4)

Indicator 5.3.1

Costs related to preventing, mitigating or compensating for negative social and environment impacts of management activities are quantified and documented in the management plan*.

Verifiers 5.3.1

a. Internal procedures;
b. Evidence of costs in the forest management plan

Indicator 5.3.2

Benefits related to positive social and environment impacts of management activities are identified and included in the management plan*.

Criterion 5.4

The Organization* shall use local processing, local services, and local value adding to meet the requirements of The Organization* where these are available, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk*. If these are not locally available, The Organization* shall make reasonable* attempts to help establish these services. (C5.2 V4)

Indicator 5.4.1

Where cost, quality and capacity of non-local and local options are at least equivalent, local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are used.

Verifiers 5.4.1

a. Procedures / Procedures for acquisition of services
b. Contracts
c. Bills

Indicator 5.4.2

Reasonable* attempts are made to establish and encourage capacity where local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are not available.

Verificatori 5.4.2

a. Summary of the management plan (see principle 7)
b. Records of contractor companies

Criterion 5.5

The Organization* shall demonstrate through its planning and expenditures proportionate to scale, intensity and risk*, its commitment to long-term economic viability*. (C5.1 V4)

Indicator 5.5.1

Sufficient funds are allocated to implement the Management Plan* in order to meet this standard and to ensure long-term economic viability*.

Verifiers 5.5.1

a. Income and expenditures budget
b. Performance indicators

When the Organization provides only forestry services, there is a policy on sharing responsibilities on ensuring funds to mitigate and/or compensate damage produced by management activities.

Indicator 5.5.2

Expenditures and investments are made to implement the Management Plan* in order to meet this standard and to ensure long-term economic viability*.

Verifiers 5.5.2

a. Payment orders
b. Other proof of payments
c. Monthly and annual financial balance sheet
d. Any kind of payment proofs