Public Consultation


FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council)® National Standard
For Forest Management in Romania

Date of submission for public consultation: 15th of September 2015
Public consultation end date: 15thof November 2015

Dear Sir or Madam,

The FSC Standard Development Group for Romania, accredited by FSC International in 2014, invites you to send, beginning with the date of September 15th, 2015 your comments on the provisions of the FSC National Standard for Forest Management in Romania DRAFT 1-0.

The comments shall be sent in electronic format, by filling in the public consultation form.

Only those Forms transmitted during the public consultation period, with all the identification fields filled in, will be taken into consideration.

The comments shall be sent to the attention of the FSC National Standard Development Group at the e-mail address: [email protected], until the date of 15.12.2015.

The comments shall only refer to the Indicators, the Verifiers and the Annexes (A-G) of this Standard (D1-0). The FSC Principles and Criteria are binding and cannot be modified.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is an independent, non-governmental and not for profit organisation established in 1993 to promote the responsible forest management in the world’s forest.

The FSC Principles and Criteria for the Forest Management Standard describe at a general level the elements and rules for an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management.
Meeting these principles is the condition for obtaining the FSC certificate. Taking into account the interest in the forest certification in Romania, we consider appropriate to adapt this Standard at the national level to really and efficiently reflect the national legislation, the social, economic and environmental conditions in our country through a participative process in which the relevant stakeholders are appropriately involved.

The process of the Standard adaptation for Romania includes a large public consultation process within the development of the FSC indicators and verifiers. The adaptation process for the National Standard is a transparent, democratic process and offers all those interested the opportunity to contribute to its development.

Once the FSC Standard for Forest Management in Romania has been approved, its use shall become mandatory in the assessments for FSC certificate by all the accredited certification bodies.

Important specifications
The FSC Principles and Criteria are compulsory, they cannot be modified and they do not make the object of the consultations. The comments shall only address the Indicators, Verifiers and Annexes of this Standard (D1-0).

For the comments on the FSC National Standard – draft 1-0 to be valid, the following conditions must be met:

  • Comments are to be sent only in electronic format at the address: [email protected] for the Romanian Standard Development Group
  • Comments will be made either by filling in the public consultation form and attaching it to the e-mail or directly on the web page: (online version);
  • Valid are only the comments sent during the time interval: 15.09.2015 -15.12.2015
  • Comments are to be sent in Romanian language
  • The comments will have an official character and will include mandatory identification data as required in the “Form for public consultation on National Standard_Draft 1-0” with surname and name, contact data and expertise field.

At the completion of the consultation process, all the comments received will be reviewed by the FSC National Standard Development Group after which they will prepare the public report which will include:

  • A summary of the comments received (including the sender and the sender’s contact data)
  • The National Standard Development Group’s answers to the comments received
  • Information on the way in which the comments received were integrated in the subsequent version of the draft submitted to public consultation
  • A review of the activity fields of the stakeholders who sent their comments.

For further information on the process, contact National Standard Development Group at the following contact data:

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +40 740 300 616

If you know of any other persons, institutions or organisations that might be interested in this process, feel free to redirect the link to them.
Yours faithfully,
The FSC Standard Development Group for Romania

I want to be Consulted



All those interested can apply for the public consultation by filling in the form below:



The FSC National Standard development process is transparent and gives all the stakeholders interested in or directly affected by the standard to express their point of view during the entire process. In this respect a Consultative Forum was formed in compliance with Standard FSC-STD-60-006 V1-2 “Process requirements for the development and maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards”..

The role of the Consultative Forum is to ensure that all those interested in or affected by the Standard implementation have the opportunity to officially send their standard-related comments during the process.

The Consultative Forum will be informed on and consulted at each stage of the standard development (draft completion, field testing, etc.).

Participation as a member of the Consultative Forum is open to any stakeholder, based on a written application officially addressed to the SDG at the address: [email protected].

The Standard Development Group encourages representative stakeholders to join the Consultative Forum.

Comments and Answers

All (relevant) comments and the answers of the Standard Development Group will be included in a report issued within 30 days from the consultation closing date.



    FSC Certification FSC Why a National Standard FSC around the world National Standard Draft 1-0 Draft 1-0 annexes Draft 1-1 Approved standard Guide Development Process Development Process Standard Development Group and factors involved Standard Development Group (SDG) Consultative Forum Technical experts Facilitator Stakeholders Public consultations I want to be consulted Comments and Answers Relevant Documents…

    Extension of The Public Consultation Draft 2-0

    Following the requests received from stakeholders with activity at national and international levels, the FSC Standard Development Group for Romania has extended the period of the public consultation on the FSC National Standard for Forest Management in Romania (Draft 2-0) until the date of 25.09.2016

    DRAFT 2-0

    FSC Certification FSC Why a National Standard FSC around the world National Standard Draft 1-0 Draft 1-0 annexes Draft 1-1 Approved standard Guide Development Process Development Process Standard Development Group and factors involved Standard Development Group (SDG) Consultative Forum Technical experts Facilitator Stakeholders Public consultations I want to be consulted Comments and Answers Relevant Documents…

    FSC® National Standard For Forest Management in Romania

    FSC Certification FSC Why a National Standard FSC around the world National Standard Draft 1-0 Draft 1-0 annexes Draft 1-1 Approved standard Guide Development Process Development Process Standard Development Group and factors involved Standard Development Group (SDG) Consultative Forum Technical experts Facilitator Stakeholders Public consultations I want to be consulted Comments and Answers Relevant Documents…

    Public Consultation

    The Standard Development Group of the FSC® (FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL)® National Standard for Forest Management organized, on the date of 28.01.2016, the public consultation on Draft 1-1 of the FSC National Standard for Forest Management, in the Aula of „Transilvania” University of Brasov.


    The Standard Development Group of the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) National Standard for Forest Management invites you on 28.01.2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Aula of „Transilvania” University of Brasov, Room U17, at the public consultation on Version 1-1 of the FSC National Standard for Forest Management.

    Extension of the Public Consultation

    Dear all,

    Following the requests received from stakeholders with activity at national and international levels, the FSC Standard Development Group for Romania has extended the period of the public consultation on the FSC National Standard for Forest Management in Romania (Draft 1-0) until the date of 15.12.2015.

    Public Consultation

    The FSC Standard Development Group for Romania, accredited by FSC International in 2014, invites you to send, beginning with the date of September 15th, 2015 your comments on the provisions of the FSC National Standard for Forest Management in Romania DRAFT 1-0.